Crowdbuy completely changes how you buy big ticket items like vehicles, trade & office equipment, TV’s, mobiles and other capital assets. Virtually anything that’s sold in a competitive market can be sourced more cheaply with Crowdbuy. By connecting other buyers wanting the same product we aggregate you into a bulk buy to achieve the same low prices as large corporate & fleet buyers. It’s really simple, tell us what you want to buy, we’ll invite others to join your order, suddenly we’re buying 500 units instead of one, we then invite suppliers to bid for the order, within minutes we’re seeing the price drop to well below list price. No one else offers the same benefits as Crowdbuy to help you achieve instant savings.
Multiple committed buyers connected with multiple qualified suppliers via an online auction. Both are winners, best price & quality for buyers and low cost efficiency for suppliers.
Crowdbuy manages the search, select & join process, creating a moment in time when the SME market rallies as one.
Just as powerful is the unique opportunity for suppliers to mass engage a very fragmented market, and avoid the high marketing costs to access the SME space.